These steps will add microK8s kubernetes. You should already have an ubuntu server running from step 1.
Login to your ubuntu server
Login to your ubuntu computer.
If you used multipass, login via multipass shell DTkube
install snap core
snap is a standard ubuntu installer. If you don’t have it, check out the snap docs.
Install microK8s
Install microk8s using snap.
sudo snap install microk8s --classic --channel=1.22/stable
sudo snap channel/classic
Join the microk8s group
Give your account access to microk8s.
sudo usermod -aG microk8s $USER
Pick up the changes by logging out.
And logging back in. (Multipass was multipass shell DTkube
Enable microk8s addons
microk8s enable dns ingress helm3
dns warning about spec.template.annotations… blah blah blah. Just say this is OK
Install kubectl
Download kubectl.
curl -LO https://dl.k8s.io/release/$(curl -L -s https://dl.k8s.io/release/stable.txt)/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl
sudo install -o root -g root -m 0755 kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl
kubecontrol is the controller manager for kubernetes. We’ll use it through the workshop for adding/changing the kubernetes installation. Similar to before, curl downloads the software and launches a bash shell for installation.
Run the following command to export your kubernetes config.
microk8s config > ~/.kube/config
You should not receive any errors. If you get a permissions error, ensure that you added yourself to the group above & also logged out and back in to pick up that group.
Quality of Life improvements <3
These commands are optional but make typing out commands easier. Recommended for this workshop as commands later leverage these shortcuts.
sudo snap alias kubectl k
sudo snap alias microk8s.helm3 helm
Kubernetes should be running. Use the following command to see what is running so far. If you don’t see 4 pods wait a minute or two and try again. It can take just a bit for everything to start.
k get pods -A
get what’s a pod? what -A does calico pods nginx pod coredns
Next Steps
If you saw pods running on your computer, congratulations! Let’s add Dynatrace for outstanding A.I. driven observability in the next step.
Stop/Reset/Remove microk8s
To temporarily stop microk8s simply run the following command and wait a few seconds for a ‘Stopped’ message.
microk8s stop
To restart run the following and wait for a ‘Started’ message.
microk8s start
To reset microk8s to defaults (takes a few minutes):
microk8s reset
To remove microk8s, use the above reset command & then:
sudo snap remove microk8s