Dynatrace via Helm
We’ll install Dynatrace via a Helm chart in this step.
Install Dynatrace
Install Dynatrace Operator via the rancher UI. Select Apps & Marketplace top left:
Search for dynatrace in the search box
select the operator chart
click “agent configuration” and apply the URL and tokens you created in the pre-requisites
then install.
Installation will take several minutes. It’s a great time to stretch and exercise while you wait for a SUCCESS message.
When the installation is done you can close the output screen with the small x.
Confirm Dynatrace Operator connected to your installation. In your tenant go to deployment status.
Your host will appear in the deployment list.
Next Steps
If Dynatrace installed successfully- perfect! That’s all it takes to add intelligent, A.I. driven observability in kubernetes. Dynatrace will automatically add monitoring to anything that starts up and gracefully remove monitoring when the resource shuts down.
With your Dyntrace-empowered Kubernetes installation, try out topping off your bowl with one of the examples in step 5!