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Download and Install Multipass using the defaults

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Multipass lets us run a virtual Ubuntu Linux server locally.

Launch a new Ubuntu Server

Open a new terminal window on your computer. Then run:

multipass launch -c 4 -m 4G -d 64GB -n DTkube

This creates an ubuntu server that can use 4 cores, 4 GB of memory, and is named DTkube.
The -d 64GB command allocates maximum hard disk size. Multipass will only use space consumed by the ubuntu server’s files & you won’t actually use up 64GB of space on your computer.

Get the IP address of your new server

multipass info DTkube

Name: DTkube
State: Running
IPv4: 192.168.x.x (this)

:memo: You can run multipass list to show all servers.

Add this IP address to your hosts file

Open your hosts file and add rancher.localdev with the IP. (Replace x’s with actual IP from previous step)

Hosts file example: server1 server2
192.168.x.x rancher.localdev

Log in to the server

Connect to your new ubuntu server.

multipass shell DTkube

Multipass automatically creates an account named ubuntu for you and logs in with this account automatically. You won’t need a password when using sudo.
sudo is a way to preface commands in linux that elevates your permission to root (administrator) level temporarily.

sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt upgrade -y

Choose your next ingredient

Congratulations! You’ve completed step 1. Check out next steps in building your bowl here.

Recycling your bowl

If you need to take a break from building your bowl, you can simply shut down this lab’s virtual machine with multipass stop DTkube.
Restart later with multipass start Dtkube.

If you want to remove your server for any reason (to restart and build a different bowl):

Shut down your server.

multipass stop DTkube

Delete the server.

multipass delete DTkube

If you want to immediately destroy all evidence of your host (most frequently used when you embarassingly mess up something and want the evidence gone instantly) you can purge the resources so the server can’t be recovered.

multipass purge

if you are ready to completely recycle your bowl and recover all resources simple uninstall Multipass.

  • In windows, use Add/Remove Programs.
  • On Mac, you can use:
sudo chmod 755 "/Library/Application Support/com.canonical.multipass/"
sudo "/Library/Application Support/com.canonical.multipass/"